Introduction to the Robin Miller BLM series video promo on Vimeo
Watch the shows Black Lives Matter Series – YouTube
In 2020 after the George Floyd murder, David Kuehn, Director and Kathie Lynch Nutting, Bd of Director President of Cotuit Center for the Arts decided that it was time for white people to hear about black lives and become more informed about Black History and the cultural struggles. I was asked to create a BLM Series to add more diversity to the programs offered. It is with great pride that I began writing scripts, creating photographic, artistic and poetic slideshow accompanied by music. Having my husband, Jim, join me in the performances was simply a bonus.
Planning the Black Lives Series

The Recording Studio

Check out the shows Black Lives Matter Series – YouTube
We are proud to be affiliated with this organization. Learn more about the Cotuit Center for the Arts https://artsonthecape.org/the-center.